4 (not 6) @6 Training Ride on 27th August


We had a trip down memory lane last night, doing the Great Warford and Wizard version 10-2-7 route .

Just to keep it authentic four of us (strange how peeps have to work late when the forecast isn’t that good😎) were on winter bikes, the rain never completely stopped and the increasingly pot holed roads from Ollerton onwards reminded us why we changed to the new course. For those reasons our average speed was a little slower than it has been the last few weeks, more like 17 or 18 mph compared with a good 20 that sometimes has been clocked up, but still not shabby, steady rather than fast and well within the rides parameters.

We based it on two minutes turns again as that seems to work pretty well but sometimes doing a bit longer if appropriate especially towards the end of the ride when some legs are getting tireder than others. I don’t think there were any PB’s on Artist Lane but we had a bit of a blast and the official result was; overall winner: Chris🥇, Ist supavet: Fred🥇, 1st lady:Jill🥇 and Andy claimed it was a achievement🏆 getting up to the wizard on his big ring.

Even though it was a bit damp it wasn’t a wash out at all and we were all glad we had made the effort. Next weeks forecast looks better already, the ride will be posted up for pre registration on Sunday.

Jill & Chris.jpg
Ride ReportFred Wardle