Saturday Club run on 5th November


The 1-0- clock club run at 12-0-clock last Saturday afternoon was another successful one and went to plan.

I must admit I had feared with the not to promising weather forecast it literally might have been a case of 1 @12, ie just me in the park for the meet up but that was not the case at all as we had a healthy turnout of nine πŸ˜€. John and Kevin were the new boy's, new to Saturday afternoons that is, Joe, Nigel, Mark H and Fozzy were in attendance, all club run regulars from previous times, plus Jill and Mark who have also been dedicated supporters of this latest incarnation.

Selected highlights were old favorites Radnor Bank 😀 on the way out and Pexhill 😀on the way back and the route also adventured onto less familiar territory. We were off road for a tiny bit twice, about a mile of the Salt Line which I think I may have done a bit of on a Saturday afternoon in the dim and distant past, plus Hermatige Lane which is a nice alternative to the unpleasant main road up to the Yellow Broom. After the Cafe stop we cut through some not very used  back lanes from Sandbach to Holmes Chapel, even Fozzy admitted he'd never been to Hollinsgreen before.

Weatherwise we did ok,the 50% chance of light rain turned out to be 0% for most of the afternoon and 100% for about 5 mins and I swear the sun was threatening to burn through the overcast sky mid ride 🌞 but it was not to be. On the way back when there were a few to many spots of rain coming on and whilst most peeps caped up yours truly made the gamble that if everyone caped up the rain would stop and so it did πŸ€ͺ.

Fingers crossed for no worse weather in two weeks when the next Saturday afternoon club run is scheduled and hope to see you all then.

Ride ReportFred Wardle